Logstash and Kibana quick set-up.

Monitoring your awesome application..


Elasticsearch - FullText search engine.

Logstash - Store log data and indexing.

Get insights of input, filters and output: -

Kibana - Awesome visual dashboard.

Download ELK

Checkout Products of Elastic

Step1: Install Elasticsearch and automatically start during bootup.

Step2: Install Logstash and follow installation steps for all plugins.

Step3: Download Kibana files follow installation steps.

Complete information https://www.elastic.co/downloads

Ruby Gem

gem 'logstasher'

Configure the Rails environment to be monitored accordingly.

It provides an additional logger for your application in JSON format, which will be feed as input to logstash and visualised from Kibana interface.

Configure Logstash

Create a file inside Logstash directory(all plugins) which was downloaded in previous step,

quickstart.conf - set the log path of your application to be monitored.

input {
  file { 
    type => "rails logs"
    path => "/home/Nithin/rails/project_name/log/logstasher.log"
    codec =>   json {
      charset => "UTF-8"

output {
  # Print each event to stdout.
  stdout {
    codec => rubydebug
  elasticsearch {
    # Setting 'embedded' will run  a real elasticsearch server inside logstash.
    # This option below saves you from having to run a separate process just
    # for ElasticSearch, so you can get started quicker!

logstasher.log will be your new log file created by logstasher gem.

Start Logstash and Kibana

Make sure logstash is up and running with

sudo service logstash status/start

Start the configured logstash agent.

bin/logstash agent -f quickstart.conf

Start Kibana for Inferface and visit
